Feeding a Baby Kiwi & An Allergic Reaction
Feeding your baby solid foods can be a daunting task as he experiences new tastes and learns what he likes. Allergic reactions to foods are also an important concern for parents. Food allergens can cause potentially dangerous reactions. Known food allergens such as milk, peanuts, nuts and shellfish should only be introduced into a baby's diet carefully. Kiwis are not commonly known to cause an allergic reaction, but this fruit is acidic and can cause other adverse reactions.
The kiwi fruit contains high amounts of vitamins C and A, folate, potassium, antioxidants and dietary fiber. Though not a common food allergen, kiwi can cause severe allergic reactions in rare cases. Also, kiwi is a very acidic fruit and feeding it to an infant can cause rashes on the mouth, bottom and other areas of the body. Other fruits that have a high acidic content such as oranges and grapefruit can cause similar reactions in babies.
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If you have a history of food allergies in the family, whether a parent or another child, do not feed kiwi to a baby under the age of 6 months. However, you can introduce other foods at this time. It is important to avoid introducing too many foods at the same time so that you can keep track of allergic reactions. Consult your pediatrician before starting your baby on solid foods.
For most babies and toddlers over the age of 6 months, kiwis are a healthy and delicious fruit packed with essential nutrition and may be included in your child's balanced diet. One serving of kiwi provides 230 percent of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C, a nutrient that helps to boost immune health, heal wounds and increase iron absorption from foods. The kiwi fruit contains numerous tiny black seeds. To serve your baby kiwi, peel the fruit, scoop out the seeds and puree in a food processor until smooth.
Allergic Reaction

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Your baby can have an allergic reaction to a food even if she has eaten it before without any problems. This occurs because eating an allergen the first time may trigger the immune system to overreact to it, treating it like a harmful invader and producing antibodies to it. The next time the baby eats the food, the antibodies immediately recognize it as something dangerous, even though it is not. The antibodies then signal the immune system to release germ-fighting substances such as the compound histamine, which cause an allergic reaction that can affect the skin, breathing passages and digestive system.
An allergic reaction due to a food allergen varies from mild to severe. In infants, symptoms include:
- skin rashes or hives
- eczema or dry
- scaly patches on the skin
- swelling
- difficulty breathing
- crying
- irritability
An allergic reaction can also cause gastrointestinal symptoms, such as stomach bloating, vomiting and diarrhea. Symptoms can appear up to two hours after the baby has eaten the culprit food. If your baby experiences any adverse reaction to kiwi or another food, immediately remove the possible allergen from the baby and seek medical attention. Your baby's pediatrician can advise the best way to treat an allergic reaction.