How to Help a 9-Year-Old Child Sleep

When a 9-year old is having trouble falling asleep at night, there can be many factors involved. School stress, social pressures, over stimulation, poor diet, or anxiety may contribute to inability to fall asleep. Young pre-teens may experience a completely normal hormonal shift that causes difficulty sleeping. During this time it is important to encourage reduction in caffeine consumption to prevent further sleep difficulties. You can help your child calm her mind and body to better prepare himself for a relaxing night of slumber with the use of non toxic, non-habit forming homeopathy, aromatherapy and beneficial mindfulness skills to promote healthy sleep habits.

Winding Down

Place a yoga mat on the floor in your child's bedroom. Have your child sit comfortably on the mat with her eyes closed.

Ask your child to pay attention to her breath, feeling the air move in and out through her nose.

Help her by counting her breaths in and out, offering a moderately slow pace for her to follow as she breathes. Speak in a gentle voice reminding her to only think about the way it feels to breathe in and out for five minutes.

Gradually have her work up to 15 minutes of meditative breath to promote mindfulness, calm and support for her emotions.

Aromatherapy and Homeopathy for Sleep

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Drop 2 to 3 drops lavender essential oil on your child's pillow near the side of the pillow case to promote relaxation and induce peaceful slumber.

Offer your child homeopathic coffee to help reduce mind chatter before bed. See your holistic practitioner for dosages.

Encourage your child to take a warm shower or bath infused with lavender essential oil before bed to promote relaxation.


Reduce unnecessary stress in your child's life so that she doesn't have to spend time worrying about things before bed.

Make sure your child is getting enough exercise and reduce the amounts of caffeine, sugar and pre-bedtime television or computer gaming.


If your child is having excessive trouble with getting to sleep at night consult your doctor or mental health practitioner. Though the inability to sleep is usually normal in the teen and pre-teen years, racing thoughts and sleep refusal may be a symptom of a more serious mental health or physical health issue.

Do not allow children to play with essential oils, as they can be toxic when ingested due to their extremely concentrated nature.
