Lung Mucus in Infants
Mucus in the lungs or chest congestion in infants can be caused by multiple factors. Your infant is just starting to breath and can be more prone to respiratory infections. Respiratory infections cause mucus to form in the lungs and respiratory tract; mucus is a normal symptom of the common cold. This mucus in your baby's lungs can cause breathing problems; consult your pediatrician before using any medication to treat your child, and for advice specific to your infant's condition.
Symptoms of chest congestion in infants are typically easy to spot. Your infant might have problems breathing properly, restlessness and trouble sleeping. The mucus in your infant's lungs is thick and can become hard inside the lungs. Your infant can have a hard time eliminating the mucus and start to cough.

Nasal Mucus in Infants
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Chest congestion is usually caused by a bacterial, fungal or viral infection in the upper respiratory tract. The common cold is the leading cause of lung mucus in infants, the BabyCenter website notes. Your infant may be more susceptible to colds because her immune system is still developing.
Your infant's lung mucus or chest congestion can be treated in different ways. You can lie your infant with her head in an elevated position to help her breath better. Use a bulb syringe to clear your infant's nose of mucus or use a few drops of saline solution in her nose to break up the mucus. You can also help your infant by using baby vapor rub on her chest. The rub can help make your baby more comfortable breathing. Check with your pediatrician before using any home remedy on your child; never use cold medicine without doctor's approval.

Home Remedies for Infant Chest Congestion
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You can help prevent lung mucus and chest congestion in your infant by taking precautions against the common cold. Keep your infant away from anyone who has a cold and make sure to wash your hands before feeding or caring for your baby.