Morning Vomiting in Children
It can be scary for both you and your child if she begins to vomit. Nausea is never a pleasant feeling, and it can be even more difficult for a young child. Morning vomiting can be a sign of several different conditions, some more serious than others. If your child is vomiting and develops a fever or intense abdominal pain or vomits blood, you should seek immediate medical attention.
When your child vomits, his abdominal muscles and diaphragm contract while his stomach muscles relax. This allows the contents of the stomach to be forcefully pushed out of the stomach, up the esophagus and out of the mouth. Vomiting is almost always preceded by feelings of nausea and excess saliva. Other symptoms present around the time your child vomits can provide clues to the cause.
Food Poisoning

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Food poisoning almost always causes a certain amount of vomiting. Vomiting from food poisoning can begin as early as eight hours after eating contaminated food. If your child consumed food infected with bacteria for dinner, she may begin showing signs of food poisoning, like vomiting, in the morning. It is often difficult to distinguish food poisoning from a stomach virus, because:
- the symptoms are similar
- including fever
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- headache
If your child's symptoms are severe or persistent, her doctor might take a stool sample to determine what bacterium is causing her illness.
A stomach virus is by far the most common cause of vomiting in children and adults alike. Called gastroenteritis, any virus that infects your child's stomach and intestines can cause vomiting for several days. The symptoms of gastroenteritis are very similar to those of food poisoning and can include fever, chills and abdominal pain. Gastroenteritis is usually not a serious condition, but you should make sure your child is consuming plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.
Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome

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Cyclic vomiting syndrome, or CVS, is a condition that causes bouts of uncontrollable vomiting. According to the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, a CVS episode usually begins between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m.. At the peak of a CVS episode, your child could be vomiting every five minutes. Though the cause of CVS isn't clear, it usually resolves itself when your child reaches puberty. It is important to consult your child's doctor if you believe he is suffering from this syndrome, because there are medications that can help treat or prevent episodes.
Brain Tumor
In rare cases, vomiting in the morning can be a symptom of a brain tumor. Brain tumors can be benign or malignant. Benign tumors do not contain cancer cells, while malignant tumors are cancerous and often spread. Other symptoms of a brain tumor include frequent headaches, vision or speech changes, depression, fatigue and seizures. If your child is displaying some or all of these symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately. Almost all brain tumors require surgical removal.