What Are the Danger Signs of Natural Gas?
Natural gas is used in many homes for heating and cooking.
Unfortunately, natural gas leaks may occur without the homeowner even realizing there is a gas leak. Some individuals' sense of smell is very sensitive to natural gas, while others can't smell it at all. Understanding some of the warning signs of a natural gas leak in the home may very well save a life.
Headaches and Dizziness
For many individuals, the first sign of a gas leak may be a headache. While many of us experience headaches on a daily basis, sudden or unexplainable headaches should never be ignored, suggests GasStationNearMe.com, a website offering information and resources regarding gas and alternative forms of energy. If the headache doesn't go away after you go outside for a while, or while you're at work, consider the idea that you may have a natural gas leak. Individuals may experience bouts of dizziness along with a headache. Ask other family members or roommates if they're experiencing bouts of headaches and dizziness as well.
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Along with headaches and dizziness, individuals exposed to a natural gas leak may also experience nausea, according to GasStationNearMe.com. Such symptoms may be exacerbated if the house is closed up for winter, or if the garage or basement isn't properly ventilated.
Irregular Breathing
A natural gas leak may cause difficulty or irregular breathing in some, especially the young and elderly. In warning about natural gas leaks and detection, RealEstate.com notes that a natural gas leak may suck oxygen from the air and produce heavy amounts of carbon dioxide, which can lead to difficulty breathing that may reduce the amount of oxygen in your lungs and blood and cause unconsciousness.

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Some individuals exposed to a natural gas leak also feel an overwhelming sense of fatigue or lethargy, according to RealEstate.com.
In most cases, this is caused by lack of adequate oxygen flow in the body. A person should recover quickly if moved to a different location.
Smell and Sound
Some gas companies add scents or odors to natural gas lines to help individuals detect a gas leak. In many cases, this odor will smell like a rotten egg.
Consumers may also be able to hear a hissing sound coming from a gas appliance or unit if there's a gas leak. Don't ignore such signs, suggests PowerHouseTV.com, a website offering information and resources regarding energy, safety and health in the home. If you smell gas, or believe you have a gas leak, don't cause a spark or use the electrical gadgets. Go away from the home and call the gas company on a cell or from a neighbor's house to prevent a possible explosion.